1.  The project will cost between eight and ten million dollars.

2.  But congressional staffers fret that the project will eventually cost billions more.

3.  Authority officials said they do not know yet how much the project will cost.

4.  Beasley declined to say how much the project cost.

5.  But such small-scale projects often cost more for the group to build and allow less flexibility.

6.  But the East Harlem store owners say the project will ultimately cost more jobs than it creates, as smaller markets wither.

7.  But the project has stirred fear among state employees who believe the project could cost them their jobs and compromise service to clients.

8.  But the support erodes when the voters are told how much the projects will cost.

9.  Cisneros would not say how much the project will cost, but emphasized efforts to attract more support from businesses.

10.  Disney executives gave no projection how much the project will cost or how many new jobs it will create.

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