1.  The example below loads the program saved previously as an example of the SAVE command.

2.  And, Fox has said, guest worker programs could save lives.

3.  Both senior Justice Department and budget officials rejected a White House analysis that suggested that the program might save money.

4.  But does the program save Mobil money?

5.  But it is uncertain that the program will save money.

6.  But municipal officials said the program has saved money by preventing expensive storm damage.

7.  But supporters say the program would save money by keeping HIV patients in the workforce, instead of waiting until they are disabled to help them.

8.  Employers hope that these programs will save money in the long run by keeping patients relatively healthy and reducing hospital admissions.

9.  In some cases, he wrote, the program could actually save consumers money.

10.  Jones said the program will save the state money by cutting in half the number of guards needed to watch over roadside prison crews.

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