1.  Please therefore take all reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your family whilst on holiday.

2.  Still, Dave puts his family at great risk, yet takes smart precautions to protect a casual acquaintance.

3.  These basic precautions could protect the user from viruses spread on the Internet.

4.  Amazon said it is taking the appropriate precautions to protect consumers from shady merchants.

5.  Anyone still without electricity today should take immediate precautions to protect plumbing lines from freezing.

6.  But some undercover detectives ask whether the department is taking enough precautions to protect its most vulnerable employees.

7.  Forest Service Chief Jack Ward Thomas told a Senate panel last week he was taking special precautions to protect his workers.

8.  He said he has filled prescriptions for golfer Lee Trevino and rock star Gregg Allman and that he had taken precautions to protect their privacy.

9.  It has comparatively few claims because the wealthy often have better security and take other precautions to protect belongings.

10.  Most lawmakers are taking precautions to protect staff.

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