1. Both losses, however, featured poor defense, especially in transition.
2. But Hernandez has not played third base this year, after playing very poor defense at that position last year and then shifting to shortstop.
3. But instead of showing just a little of that near-perfect form, Witt wilted quickly, assisted in his demise by the poor defense.
4. But let them share the responsibility for the freakish form, the pitching that made you turn away in horror, the poor defense, the lazy pace.
5. But unlike recent losing efforts, Bos- ton did not collapse and fall into its routine of poor defense and panicky offense.
6. Carter may play a lot in his first season at Cal, which had a poor defense last season.
7. Ellis said he has seen too many indigent Texans sentenced because of poor defense.
8. He has been mainly used as a designated hitter because of his poor defense, but Melvin said he must show the Rangers he can still play the outfield.
9. Intelligence makes a poor defense against it.
10. It was playing such poor defense that Coach Jeff Ruland hurled a chair at a television set last week to show his displeasure.