1.  The police pulled me over and checked my licence.

2.  Police pulled over his Mercedes near Dieppe.

3.  As a Black teenager driving in the streets of Casa Grande, Byron Jackson said he expected police to pull him over.

4.  As they left the bar, Kennebunkport police pulled Bush over for driving too slowly and arrested him for driving under the influence of alcohol, she said.

5.  A Paradise Valley police pulled up beside him, wondering if he was OK.

6.  East Bay Regional Parks police had pulled the car over to tell the driver about his taillights when they heard cries and pounding from the trunk.

7.  He said he saw the police pull up and his cousin and the other two men exit the car.

8.  He was arrested again a month later for drug possession when Phoenix police pulled him over because his car had a broken headlight.

9.  He was inside the auto shop when police pulled the big rig over and is not suspected in the seafood theft.

10.  It has become virtually impossible to cruise because the police have been pulling over drivers on Crenshaw on Sunday nights for the slightest infractions.

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