1.  Although the fictional Inspector Morse freely wanders the cloisters, technically police can not enter college grounds without permission from the master.

2.  As the situation worsened more border police entered the area and began firing live ammunition into the crowd.

3.  As police entered the bank, they saw the man standing at a desk with Cannon in his grip.

4.  As we get on, the police enter the stadium.

5.  At halftime, conflicts started in a section of Yugoslavs, and riot police entered.

6.  A member of an armed wing called the Fatah Hawks, he was arrested with others in the group shortly after the Palestinian police entered Nablus last December.

7.  About five minutes later, as he was being bound with duct tape, he said, he heard police enter and Larrier opened fire.

8.  According to a Japanese government report, the Chinese police entered the consulate without consent and in violation of international treaties.

9.  After priests tried for several hours to talk the peace activists out of their demands, Israeli riot police entered the compound, handcuffed them and forcibly removed them.

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