1.  An enemy torpedo plane headed directly for the Oglala . . . and launched its torpedo.

2.  As the plane headed for Hainan, the crew began destroying sensitive equipment.

3.  A Miami police official said the plane was heading for Washington.

4.  But mostly, as the plane headed for Roanoke, the Governor talked politics, swapping tales of campaigns old and not so old, victorious and calamitous.

5.  For most hitters, facing Johnson is like being afraid of flying and hearing the captain warn the plane is heading for turbulence.

6.  He would get off the bus and board a plane headed toward Miami.

7.  Sometimes they are requested by pilots, other times by controllers, but they rarely occur because a plane is heading for the wrong runway, he said.

8.  The plane then heads east to India.

9.  The plane headed toward Washington, D.C.

10.  They grabbed their lab equipment and their bubble suits and clambered aboard transport planes headed for Kikwit.

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