1.  Although the two peoples share a similar type of political structure, their religious beliefs present a striking contrast.

2.  And it is helped immeasurably if two unrelated people can share in the belief that indeed they are already blood relatives.

3.  Emotional issues get aired, people share their feelings to therapeutic effect.

4.  I know that many people do not share my feelings.

5.  It eliminates the frustration of playing telephone tag and lets people easily share all sorts of information across vast distances.

6.  It is, provided that other people share your sense of humour and the timing is appropriate.

7.  Many people share intimate details of their lives on the Internet.

8.  Similarly, there is no reason to assume that different people will share the same intuitive feelings regarding what is true.

9.  They begin by challenging the current opinion that all peoples share basic functions of the mind such as logical and abstract abilities.

10.  This is why people should never share their syringes.

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