1.  As art collecting becomes more important, people have been replacing mirrors over the fireplace with paintings.

2.  Few young people are replacing older pigeon racers who die or become too feeble.

3.  If people on a very low-fat diet replace fats with sugars and refined starches, triglyceride levels may rise and protective HDLs fall.

4.  If they cannot provide their citizens with some assurance of protection and assistance, they risk being replaced by people who will.

5.  Just as more people are replacing conventional medicine with plants, herbalists and naturopathic doctors say, there is more interest in replacing synthetic illegal drugs with herbs.

6.  Most people have replaced their broken windows and roof tiles and gotten together to clean the shards of glass from their courtyards, where their children play.

7.  People are replacing everything.

8.  Similarly, lay people are replacing nuns and priests as the principle teachers at Catholic schools.

9.  The experienced mechanics who have left the services are being replaced by people getting less time in the classroom.

10.  The window people replaced the distorting window, but the distortions still occur.

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