1.  Five hundred people filled the lecture hall.

2.  Two hundred people filled the room.

3.  The charter says these positions should be filled by people who reflect the population in terms of race, gender, sexuality, and disability.

4.  Although managed care is supposed to hold down costs, more people were filling prescriptions through drug plans, paying only a few dollars of the price.

5.  Anxious young people filled the pews, awaiting a glimpse of a man whose status among Armenians equals that of the Roman Catholic pope, John Paul II.

6.  At a press conference yesterday, Havel said he expects about half the positions in the new government to be filled by people with no party affiliation.

7.  A hostess at Le Zinc on Duane Street was thrilled to see people slowly fill the place the other night, and attitude-free cheer filled the room.

8.  Certainly not the frenzied busyness with which people fill their day at this time of year.

9.  Even in an industrialized society, there are gaps in the economy that can be filled by people with initiative.

10.  Experts say the rooms are often being filled by people close to New York, drawn here by culture.

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