1.  The disease is most commonly caught by people on foreign holidays.

2.  Thanks to specially-adapted boats many new people have been catching the sailing bug.

3.  A new program in the suburbs requires people to catch a community bus to a transit center where they can switch to freeway fliers.

4.  But when people catch the disease from animals, the spore attacks them in the same way.

5.  Dr. Sheldon Cohen, a psychologist at the university, has spent years trying to discover why some people frequently catch colds, while others rarely get a sniffle.

6.  Explanations why people catch colds are almost as numerous as the viruses that cause colds.

7.  Few people catch more flak for less cause than Regis Philbin and Kathie Lee Gifford.

8.  For another, he, like all people caught in cutbacks, has to consider how the coming changes in his life will affect his tax filing next year.

9.  It is difficult for people to catch the disease in nature, though it can be acquired from sick animals or goat hair.

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