1.  Four other parties shared the remaining five seats.

2.  A party shares a unique relationship with the candidate it sponsors because their political fates are inextricably linked.

3.  Both parties share the goal of deficit control, however.

4.  But the party still must share power in the coalition government with the Socialist Party and the smaller Harbinger Party.

5.  He insisted that the ruling party had shared the benefits of good economic times with the country.

6.  He said the party should have shared credit with its partners.

7.  Once again the two parties share the key ministries of defense and interior and split the rest between them.

8.  Rodney G. Gregory, a lawyer for the Democrats in Duval County, said the party shared the blame for the confusion.

9.  Such partnerships allow both parties to share the risk and cost, Tomasch said.

10.  The two parties still share a commitment to social welfare programs, but they have become ever more bitter political rivals.

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