1.  All political parties accept that long-term increases in petrol prices are not only environmentally necessary but unavoidable.

2.  There are just two qualifications to this last point, i.e. which apply where the innocent party immediately accepts the repudiation.

3.  Formerly if the aggrieved party had already accepted the goods, the very fact of acceptance would mean that rescission would not be available.

4.  Establish which parties are accepting restrictions.

5.  The two parties will then exchange counter-offers, until one party accepts the counter-offer of the other, whereupon the contract then comes into existence.

6.  Both parties accepted that the court had jurisdiction to do this despite the expert clause.

7.  I welcome too that the Labour party have accepted the amendment.

8.  As for Labour, John Smith says his party will accept whatever PSBR the Tories produced in the recent budget.

9.  Both parties have accepted large contributions from United States subsidiaries of foreign companies, which is legal.

10.  But last week tables turned and Republicans had to defend themselves against assertions that their party had accepted an illegal donation of foreign money.

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