1.  Opponents argued that Prop.

2.  Opponents argued the sales-tax hike was unfair.

3.  Opponents also argued that open space in the centre of town should not be used up and suggested re-siting the complex on former industrial land.

4.  Although opponents argue that adult stem cells may hold similar promise, the letter argued that they may be less effective than the fetal counterpart.

5.  Although the money cannot be used for abortions, opponents argued that it indirectly subsidizes the procedure by assisting family planning groups that provide abortions.

6.  And if the time comes when utilities want to order new plants, opponents will argue that there is still no place for the wastes.

7.  Anti-abortionist opponents argued that it was abhorrent and unethical to end the lives of the unborn.

8.  A few opponents argued, probably with some validity, that the governor had been taking his political cues from President Clinton.

9.  Abortion opponents also had argued Tuesday that taking the girl out of state for the abortion violates a state law that forbids the use of state funds for abortions.

10.  Abortion opponents argued that killing an embryo was tantamount to killing a life, even if the embryo existed in a test tube.

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