1.  ...several government officials charged with acting corruptly.

2.  Government officials charged him with sedition.

3.  Both were being used to dole out patronage jobs, state officials charged.

4.  A few, city officials charge, are eager only to exploit a generous housing program.

5.  A prominent Palestinian official charged Thursday that the United States had failed to act as a strong catalyst to jump-start stalled Middle East peace negotiations.

6.  But eventually, he, too, fell into the organized-crime world, law enforcement officials have charged.

7.  But even where laws allow local officials to charge the subject of a search, they are rarely enforced, Moss said.

8.  But law enforcement officials now charge that within weeks of starting in Chinatown, the corrupter who had recruited Gaw set his sights on Lee.

9.  But Palestinian officials charge that a massacre of hundreds of civilians occurred in the Jenin camp, and have demanded an international inquiry.

10.  Church officials have charged the state government with protecting wealthy ranchers, who are accused of exploiting peasants and supporting paramilitary groups.

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