1. A relationship based on mutual need was quickly forged.
2. But if they are not close friends, their mutual needs have made them political partners.
3. Clinton seeks to make the point that the U.S. and Central American countries have mutual needs.
4. From the beginning it was a seductive relationship, with mutual needs and desires overwhelming the warnings to proceed cautiously.
5. Of course the two should be institutionally separate, but to say that the one does not inform the other is to deny their mutual need.
6. Otherwise, by mutual need, he will be back with the Rangers.
7. Strangers in crisis, they form a bond of mutual need.
8. The world of the skyscraper smoker is bound by ritual, camaraderie and mutual need.
9. There is a mutual need that never went away, even during the separation, but things may never be quite the same again.