1.  A class in itself is simply a social group whose members share the same relationship to the means of production.

2.  A second Kalber family story reiterates the instruction that its members share in an almost telepathic intimacy.

3.  Classes did not exist since all members of society shared the same relationship to the means of production.

4.  From a Marxist view, a class is a social group whose members share the same relationship to the means of production.

5.  The members ordinarily share some link like working for the same employer or belonging to the same church.

6.  These will be shared by members of the organisation and set a pattern for its activities and actions.

7.  And all the members have shared tips for handling their boards better.

8.  APEC members share a belief in the contribution of free markets to achieving our growth and employment objectives.

9.  But on other matters, he has remained in the background, letting his Cabinet members share the applause and the heat.

10.  Cabinet members share the same benefits as other federal employees, either through the Civil Service Retirement System or the Federal Employee Retirement System.

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