1. At Magee College, a local Group Practice provides a medical service for all registered students.
2. Competitive tendering could be extended to certain medical services as well.
3. Cutting back on medical services to the poor is counterproductive.
4. He was admitted to the general medical service at Pinderfields General Hospital with a provisional diagnosis of pulmonary embolism.
5. Home-delivered medical services filled the gap between care by overworked family members and impossibly expensive care in hospitals.
6. Improved nutrition, poverty reduction, maternal education and better medical services have combined to halve infant mortality.
7. In many hospitals psychiatrists and psychologists are seen as special disciplinary arms of the medical service.
8. In other words, insurers cut costs by making it harder to get medical services.
9. It would need management resources, and some members would have to reduce their commitment to general medical services.
10. Paul Alexandre, his loyal and sympathetic supporter, left Paris to serve in the army medical service.