1.  In Connecticut, a Waterbury man suffered a fatal heart attack Sunday night after going outside to fill his snowblower with gasoline.

2.  The unfortunate man had suffered such violent panic attacks that he tried to throw himself out of the window.

3.  They argue that these men have suffered bad childhood experiences which have prevented their normal development.

4.  This poor man had suffered for her inexperience all night, too.

5.  A PARTIALLY-sighted man suffered fatal injuries when he was struck by a car while crossing a road without using his white stick.

6.  The law lords in their ruling talk of the agony of mind the men must have suffered as they alternated between hope and despair.

7.  American men are not suffering from declining sperm counts.

8.  And men have suffered from unintended consequences of Title IX.

9.  Another man suffered a graze wound of the head.

10.  Another man suffered a heart attack in Clendenin and died because an ambulance could not get to his house for nearly five hours.

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