1.  The two young men headed off in the direction of Central Park.

2.  Almost immediately, the men headed northeast.

3.  As the men headed for the entrance, which is directly in front of the basilica, shooting broke out between the Israelis and gunmen inside the citadel.

4.  Authorities say that after killing Drummond, the men headed for Blue Springs, where they attended a party.

5.  Both men head businesses with activities and customer bases in the South.

6.  Both men head to the next two encounters without disabling wounds.

7.  But when the U.S. men headed Down Under, they had not been sure where they would be playing their first match.

8.  Chernomyrdin praised the work of the Joint Commission on Economic and Technical Cooperation, which the two men head.

9.  In a huff, the man headed toward a bathroom, but the gate attendants waved him back.

10.  Instead of going to the neighborhood court, Chinese men head to their neighborhood wangba.

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