1.  Alarcon said the man had illegally entered the country sometime prior to the aircraft coming under attack.

2.  He was picking crumbs from the plate when a diminutive, slope-shouldered man with a fixed, wan smile entered the room.

3.  The two men entered without bothering to ask for permission.

4.  There was a commotion at the door and a tall elderly man entered.

5.  We have a signed affidavit stating that the two men were seen entering the building.

6.  Suddenly the door of the storeroom was opened and a man entered.

7.  More men entered the hall by its main door, and several times someone came out beckoning and stood on the steps, issuing orders.

8.  It was common for a man to enter his own name, that of his wife, and that of his intended successor, usually the oldest son.

9.  They provide the framework by which man enters into, and sustains to the end, his spiritual life in Christian belief both personally and socially.

10.  Two men entered the shop while the driver waited in the car.

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