1.  A sunny south-facing mound will lose more precious moisture to evaporation than a shadier northern slope.

2.  At some point the United States will lose its ability to finance its trade deficit.

3.  Because of the driving ban, Roberts would lose his job.

4.  Businesses would lose a whole raft of deductions, including those for employee benefits such as health care.

5.  By accepting the prize money, Wilkerson will probably lose his amateur status.

6.  Companies that are insensitive to global changes will lose sales.

7.  Even fresh food, if stored for long periods, will lose its vitamin content.

8.  Even Torquay, when there is two-and-a-half feet of snow on the ground, will lose some of its appeal.

9.  I would lose my glass slipper.

10.  If Gore loses, he will have lost as an incumbent at a time of peace and great prosperity.

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