1.  Defense lawyers are arguing that the police botched the investigation.

2.  His lawyer argued that his client had not acted Deceitfully.

3.  His lawyers argue that the charges are based on a far-fetched conspiracy theory.

4.  His lawyers argued that the charges against him were baseless.

5.  Lawyers argued that it would be unfair and oppressive to remove the protection of the double jeopardy rule.

6.  Simpson did not appear in court, but his lawyers argued that their client is no millionaire.

7.  His lawyers are arguing that he is unfit to stand trial.

8.  His lawyer argued that he was a victim of police entrapment.

9.  The lawyer argued that there was a lack of probable cause for a search warrant.

10.  Trinidadian government lawyers had argued that the pardon was given under duress and therefore was invalid.

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