1. Community leaders agreed to take joint action on scientific, social and environmental issues.
2. It is joint action for mutual benefit.
3. There are now no legal obligations arising out of joint action, which will remain until the new treaty is effective.
4. These will be grouped under four heads Decentralisation, consumerism and participation, self help and joint action.
5. They have shown a total lack of interest in joint action in the face of rising fuel prices.
6. It was believed that Japan had sought joint action which would have included purchases of yen for deutschmarks by the West German Bundesbank.
7. Discussions concerned joint action and exchange of information.
8. Brazilian and Colombian army officers subsequently met in the Colombian border town of Letcia to discuss joint action against the rebels.
9. In reply the American military cautiously expressed a preference for joint action within existing alliances such as Nato or Seato rather than any new bilateral arrangements.
10. A resolution from the Hendon branch favouring joint action with the Communists and the ILP was defeated.