1.  Although investors pulled out of technology issues, they did not flee the market entirely.

2.  Altfest points out that emerging markets are often fueled by American investors, so if the domestic economy declines fearful investors will pull money out.

3.  An economic downturn could cause investors to pull their money out of stocks, and lead governments to erect barriers to free trade.

4.  Analysts believe it is likely that investors will pull even more money from Russian banks and businesses, further hurting the economy.

5.  And money management firms such as Invesco Funds Group of Denver report that investors are pulling money from their technology funds.

6.  Argentine stocks rose for the first time this week as declining U.S. bond yields eased concerns that investors may pull money out of emerging equity markets.

7.  Argentine stocks fell for a second day as plummeting currencies across much of Asia rekindled concern that investors would pull their money out of other emerging markets.

8.  Argentine stocks rose as lower U.S. interest rates dampened concerns that investors might pull money out of emerging equity markets to invest in U.S. bonds.

9.  As individual investors pull back from the stock market and lower their expectations, they delay retirement and cut their spending.

10.  As many investors pull out of Korea, the country becomes more dependent on the international community for funds.

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