1.  Among other things, investigators will focus on whether kickbacks or political contributions were granted in exchange for the loans.

2.  As a result, investigators are focusing on nongenetic factors to explain the high breast cancer rates on Long Island.

3.  At that time, investigators focused on Dover, where Holmer lived.

4.  But in all of the anthrax threats, investigators are focusing on the postal system as the conduit for the spores.

5.  But in their presentation Thursday, the investigators focused solely on the Mafia.

6.  But it was clear that investigators were focusing on Jewell, whose job was to guard the sound and light tower where the bomb exploded.

7.  But investigators focused on Trepal after an interview in which he was asked why anyone would poison neighbors.

8.  But investigators have not focused exclusively on him.

9.  Defenders of Lee have said that investigators focused solely on him because of ethnic profiling, a charge government officials deny.

10.  Defense Secretary William S. Cohen said Friday that the first forensic investigators will focus on the contractor in charge of the refueling.

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