1. The investigation focused on a college course Gingrich taught with financial support from nonprofit foundations.
2. The investigation will focus on areas of social need which the student identifies as being prevalent in the local community.
3. And with the arrest of his alleged associate, Mohammed Sadiq Odeh, the bombing investigation this week focused squarely on the elusive Saudi Arabian millionaire.
4. As the police investigation focused on a security guard whose motives may have been more pathos than rage, American resilience was on display.
5. Because the investigation focused on what was billed to insurers, the cost to individual patients was not determined.
6. After the fire, both Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau said the investigation would focus on whether others encouraged or conspired with Smith.
7. But a police source said the investigation was now focusing on McNeil, whose ties to Made Men date back at least four years.
8. But like Senot, he said the investigation was focusing on the engine problems.
9. But Mozambican authorities have said their investigation focuses on gun-running charges.