1. Employee advocates argue that the policies are an insidious way for companies to take away statutory rights that Congress granted workers.
2. And they may threaten humans in a similarly insidious way -- even at trace levels, some scientists worry.
3. But as the years pass, and the birth dates begin creeping forward, edging their insidious way into our decade, reality hits.
4. But companies also get rid of folks in more insidious ways.
5. But for Brett they are an insidious way to hook doctors and patients onto new, expensive drugs, when older, cheaper, safer alternatives might easily suffice.
6. But history seems to have insidious ways of following him around.
7. In the insidious way of the passive-aggressive, he endears himself by seeming not to want what he most passionately desires and works to get.
8. Instead, he says, the bug will show up in insidious ways in the next few months, creating a tangle of bureaucratic nightmares.
9. It spreads in a very insidious way.