1.  Because it inhabits coastal waters in heavily populated and fished areas, the harbour porpoise has suffered greatly in recent years.

2.  In fact, there is little threat posed by the several species of sharks that inhabit the waters around Santa Catalina Island.

3.  Sharks inhabit the waters all along the California coast, frequently hunting seals and sea lions, experts say.

4.  The blue crab inhabits waters from Cape Cod to Florida and down into the Gulf of Mexico, and has even popped up in Greece and Egypt.

5.  They are descendants of an older, sighted fish species that still inhabits surface waters.

6.  Despite its name, the crabeater seal eats mainly krill -- small shrimp-like crustaceans that inhabit Antarctic waters.

7.  Harbor seals now inhabit waters from Greenland in the summer to the Carolinas in the winter.

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