1.  All-India radio reported the following day that the committee would be headed by a Supreme Court judge, E. M. Ansaruddin.

2.  And a number of the conservative Republicans like Gramm who sent the letter to the majority leader head major committees that have a direct impact on the budget process.

3.  As a Republican, Jeffords currently heads that committee.

4.  Athletic director Paul Bubb heads the committee, which also includes a faculty member, a member of the university staff, a student and an alumnus.

5.  A more telling reason may be that neither served long enough to head a committee, though Bradley dealt impressively with Western water rights as a subcommittee chairman.

6.  A newly created automotive management committee will be headed by Schrempp and five other longtime Daimler executives from Stuttgart.

7.  A newly created automotive management committee will be headed by Schrempp and four other longtime senior Daimler executives from Stuttgart.

8.  Access to congressional Democrats has considerably less value now that they no longer head committees.

9.  After the inaugural, she plans to head committees on tourism and small business.

10.  But first as a state legislator and then as House speaker, she established a take-charge reputation, heading committees on government operations, economic development and ethics.

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