1.  A flock of blue jays flew over, heading south, but many blue jays stay the entire winter.

2.  A half-paralysed white sneering fellow-rather handsome head, but eyes with a lot of lashes.

3.  A low, squarish object covered by a dust sheet caught his eye and he cautiously headed towards it.

4.  A riposte to that argument was provided by Sea Containers, the shipping group headed by James Sherwood.

5.  A shoal of fish swam past heading for the open sea.

6.  A thirty-pound tuna swam past, heading for the open sea.

7.  A whole load of boring industry heads droning on about how important they are and trying to cop off with each other?

8.  Accompanied by his wife and stepson, he headed south, leaving his Mark as a burglar.

9.  Admiral Nagumo received word of his new assignment as he headed back from the futile sortie toward the Marshalls.

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