1. Moreover, much of the growing industrial labour force was not of urban origin.
2. Growing forces of opposition are challenging this government.
3. As focus groups and opinion research become a growing force in Britain, political muscle is increasingly measured with the tape that shows the public popularity numbers.
4. At the same time, he says, the Democratic and Republican parties also began to recognize Hispanic voters as a growing force.
5. A combination of factors make the Hispanic population at once vulnerable and a growing force within the political, social and economic arenas of society, the coalition said.
6. But FARC is also a growing force in the drug trade.
7. But eBay is expected to be a growing force this holiday, as shoppers look for unusual bargains.
8. FARC is a growing force in the cocaine trade.
9. Gita Bajaj, the chairwoman of the Coalition of Ethnic Broadcasters, is among those who see ethnic programming as a growing force in television.
10. He cited newspaper articles that portrayed Latinos as a growing force in the country and credited their ancestors as founders of the city.