1.  The group focused heavily on its three core areas, and disposed of several operations which fell outside its strategy.

2.  And while the band has a high profile in Europe, Lowery feels the group should focus on more familiar territory.

3.  Arguing for private stock accounts, some groups have focused on rates of return.

4.  As the session went on, the group focused on a single company idea, product, and marketing strategy.

5.  At the moment, international groups are focusing their attention largely on trying to correct campaign abuses among Muslims, Serbs and Croats alike.

6.  Both groups focus on changing health care policies and are funded by members, along with grants and donors, including the Service Employees International Union.

7.  But the hardest thing to do is get a group to focus on a goal.

8.  Carlberg, whose company is providing promotional consulting, wants the group to focus on Houston being a frontier.

9.  Even earlier, the on-line service had begun announcing the series in messages to popular Internet news groups focused on subjects like drugs, the CIA and conspiracy theories.

10.  For that reason, pro-amnesty groups focused on a few words spoken last weekend by Andrew Card, the White House chief of staff.

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