1.  This would amount to admitting that governments cannot save for the future, a view that some describe as pre-emptive capitulation.

2.  A. The federal government will save money.

3.  Bush administration officials did not project how much energy the federal government would save through efficiency measures in the state.

4.  But how much can local governments realistically save, given their inescapable costs?

5.  But those costs, the study concludes, are more than offset by what governments save on health care, pensions and housing for the elderly.

6.  By that time he also will have an idea of how much the government has saved in interest costs, thanks to falling capital market rates.

7.  By spending money to prevent large-scale blazes, Babbitt said, the government can save money in the long run.

8.  Government cannot save every child whose family hurts or fails him.

9.  He says the government could save money if it stopped making them.

10.  If the government saved money, it would share the savings with informers.

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