1.  Make the government prove its case against him if it can.

2.  Although a second injection of public money into the banking system may be unlikely, the government has proven itself adroit at devising bank rescue programs in disguise.

3.  At the same time, the civilian governments have proved reluctant to move against military officers accused of human rights crimes.

4.  Besides the Missouri provision, the measure also will require the federal government to prove property it wants to keep is related to a crime.

5.  A new, more broadly based government could prove more productive.

6.  But for Cobell and other Indians, the government has proved less than trustworthy.

7.  But in the past, the Iraqi government has often proved less than candid in casting blame.

8.  But Matia said the government had proved its case against Demjanjuk.

9.  But in his ruling, he wrote that the government did not prove that Liotier acted on behalf of De Beers.

10.  But showing that Microsoft feared Netscape does not mean that the government has proved Microsoft actually made an illegal offer.

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