1.  The federal government currently protects its nonworking elderly with a promise of guaranteed Social Security payments.

2.  It also called on the government to protect the authority from financial difficulties if, as seems likely, the water companies will seek compensation for loss of supplies.

3.  And instead of relying on governments to protect them, the immigrants hired their own guards.

4.  At least theoretically, the government protected the right to do so.

5.  ATLANTA - President Clinton pledged Friday that the federal government would protect fragile stretches of seas and beaches in a network of preserves resembling national parks and wilderness areas.

6.  Biotechnology companies want the government to protect them against lawsuits over injuries caused by use of their products.

7.  Both migrants said ordinary Libyans sometimes mistreated Africans, but they were confident that the government would protect them.

8.  Bush seemed deliberately vague and refused to answer whether under his plan the government would protect individuals against any losses.

9.  But even an honest government cannot protect investors without help.

10.  But government also can protect people in ways that earlier generations could not have envisioned.

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