1.  The government charged that he had not paid taxes for five years.

2.  As in other countries, the government could charge a fee for each barrel of oil that the private companies produce, on top of the normal taxes.

3.  At the same time, the government charged, the company tried to sway the Agriculture Department on several policy questions.

4.  Both governments are charging that the other broke well-established rules of what is supposed to happen when friends get caught snooping on each other.

5.  A crucial issue to be determined is how much the U.S. government will charge Mexico for guaranteeing the loans.

6.  But after banning Falun Gong in July, the government charged that its leaders had led many ill followers to their deaths by urging them to avoid conventional medicine.

7.  By doing so, the government has charged, he caused the court and investigators to waste their time, which amounts to an obstruction of justice.

8.  Corporate tax lawyers want the government to charge the same rate for both payments, or at least lessen the disparity.

9.  IBP Inc. today denied government charges that it unfairly guaranteed high prices for cattle from nine Kansas feedlot operators, and requested a hearing on the issue.

10.  In addition to Bildman, the government has charged an Astra USA consultant.

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