1.  The rebel forces pulled off a surprisingly successful offensive against the better equipped government troops.

2.  As the United Nations peacekeeping force pulled out of Haiti this month, the mood was one of frustration at the difficulties of making a failed state work.

3.  As the Israeli forces have pulled back, they have continued to maintain a virtual blockade of the cities they have left.

4.  Bacon said Serbian forces would pull out of Kosovo from west to east.

5.  Beneath the ribaldry, however, are forces pulling her toward a frightening past.

6.  After a daylong sweep, Israeli forces pulled out of Beit Hanun on Wednesday night after withdrawing earlier from the two other towns.

7.  After heavy pressure from the United States, Israeli forces pulled out of two West Bank towns on Tuesday.

8.  After heavy pressure from the United States, Israeli forces pulled out of two West Bank towns Monday.

9.  But if the new technologies help hold down inventories, market forces sometimes pull in the opposite direction, as the auto industry knows too well these days.

10.  But no official government ultimatum has been issued, and Russian forces later reportedly pulled back a bit from the center of town.

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