1.  He will be able to return on compassionate leave - particularly if it helps to focus his mind on the Test series.

2.  In the way that you use a camera, you can focus your mind either on positive or negative factors.

3.  Meditation involves focussing the mind on a single object or word.

4.  She tried to focus her mind on her work.

5.  The meditator is required to focus their mind upon the mantra in an effortless, relaxed way.

6.  When they have big, angry demonstrations outside their conference centres, it focuses their minds.

7.  Meditation involves focusing the mind on a single object or word.

8.  Those who advocated the adoption of leases hoped, by formalising all this, to focus the minds of the parties at the time of entering into the transaction.

9.  People are do something at the end of the training and it focuses your mind to the trainer writing material.

10.  Whoever said the nearness of death focuses the mind knew what he was talking about.

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