1.  Headache from the inability to focus the eyes rapidly enough, from eye strain.

2.  His eyes were focussed straight ahead.

3.  She tried to keep her blurred eyes focused on the sky.

4.  Among other actions, atropine relaxes the muscle that focuses the eye.

5.  And now their eyes are squarely focused on the second season.

6.  And when it was time to go, she went swiftly, without a look over her shoulder, eyes focused straight ahead.

7.  And that thought seemed, as always, to plug their ears and focus their eyes.

8.  Because it relaxes the muscle that focuses the eye, children who take atropine eyedrops have to wear reading glasses for close work.

9.  Basically I just kept my eyes focused on the ball from the time Jim threw it.

10.  All eyes are focused on a Virginia case that seeks to have the execution of defendants with mental retardation declared unconstitutional.

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