1.  Although most analysts credit Fisher with focusing the company on digital technologies, profits have remained elusive.

2.  Bank of Boston has talked for years about focusing the company on what it does best.

3.  Because the national paging companies are focused on major cities, Satellink and other Cue affiliates can appeal to people who cruise the vast spaces in between.

4.  A new team led by Luc Vandevelde, the chief executive, has focused the company on its core domestic market and sold businesses abroad.

5.  After initially adding football and golf camps, the company is focused almost completely on soccer.

6.  But board members argue that letting the gas tank run almost to empty is both prudent and a great way to focus the company on efficiency.

7.  But Condit said the company is focused on moving forward despite the loss.

8.  For now, the company is focused on increasing revenue by selling advanced services to existing video-only customers, he said.

9.  Gerstner said the Armonk, New York-based company is focused on increasing annual sales growth and improving shareholder value.

10.  He also focused the company on making chips for communications and networks.

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