1.  The TV cameras were focused on his face.

2.  Had she kept the camera focused on the river bank she might have captured a vital scene.

3.  The camera was focused on infinity and positioned near the mid-line of the car.

4.  The TV cameras were focused on the figure of the sixty-year old surgeon whose face had become known to millions over these last few days.

5.  Bullets and debris flying he still has to focus his camera and get the shot.

6.  And eight cameras have been focused on critical intersections, which are monitored in a Transportation Department control room.

7.  Another spot, set at a Santa Monica, Calif., disco, has the camera focused on the Heineken icon at the bar.

8.  Another man in Las Vegas keeps a camera focused on himself as he works all day.

9.  A TV crew that happened to be at the ferry landing focused their cameras on us.

10.  Across the street, the world press collectively focuses its cameras.

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