1.  A car rental company subcontracts out the repair and maintenance of its fleet, and focuses on renting.

2.  A comprehensive study done a few years ago focused on what particular quality was shared by winning race car drivers.

3.  A final problem with applying traditional measurement techniques to white-collar professional groups was that traditional measurement focused primarily on efficiency.

4.  A further study focussing on older people is an interesting proposition.

5.  A great deal of social work attention was focussed on the parents and the social and economic situation of the family.

6.  A stunned silence fell upon the room as they focused their attention on what they thought was princess Voluptua.

7.  A systems approach to budgeting that focuses on the outcomes and objectives of government policy can not avoid controversy.

8.  Above all, this study focuses upon change --which requires new techniques of measurement and analysis.

9.  Abstract ideas became focused as he pulled together previous work on neural nets.

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