1.  The paradox is that fishermen would catch more fish if they fished less.

2.  The shark which attacked Ford was later caught by fishermen but escaped.

3.  And it set out to harvest Fraser River-bound salmon before the fish could reach U.S. waters where American fishermen could catch them.

4.  And the state has since limited the numbers of striped bass that commercial fishermen can catch, forcing more of them to chase lobsters for their income.

5.  But others, like sea robins and hogchokers, are rarely caught by fishermen at all.

6.  Canadians are angry that U.S. fishermen are catching millions more salmon headed for British Columbia rivers than U.S.-bound salmon netted by British Columbia fishing boats.

7.  Canadian officials have said Alaska fishermen are catching millions of fish bound for rivers in northern British Columbia.

8.  Fishermen catch them just before they head for the sex-and-death grounds.

9.  For years, sport fishing was largely ignored by fishery managers because commercial fishermen were catching a much greater number of fish.

10.  He would steer his boat along the Caspian and up the Volga, picking up sturgeon caught by fishermen from collective farms.

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