1. Further speculation centred on the financial state of the main Maxwell companies.
2. Among all the big rich countries, Japan shares with Italy the dubious distinction of being in the worst financial state.
3. Another explanation for the awkward timing of this event lies in the financial state of the Democratic National Committee, which by most accounts remains precarious.
4. Along the way, Amtrak made moves that heightened the precariousness of its financial state.
5. He said government attorneys will also look at the financial state of Summit and Alta Bates.
6. Money was siphoned back and forth between multiple entities, disguising its true ownership and in turn providing false information about the financial state of Enron.
7. State employees are in an equally bad financial state.
8. This is the time of year when you might be receiving an annual report from your employer about the financial state of your company retirement plan.
9. Whatever happens at that time will depend on the financial state of the union and the political mood of the time.