1. It can only be hoped that the newly aggressive financial players of the Thatcher era manage to avoid the same errors.
2. And all for a cause that could lay State Street and other financial players open to a charge of pursuing naked self-interest.
3. Any ownership group that allows Johnson, Griffey and Rodriguez to walk, even while and after a new ballpark was being built, is not a financial player.
4. Actually, AEA consists of investors whose personal backgrounds suggest that they are not purely financial players.
5. Detroit and Miami also will be major financial players next summer.
6. Even though Paramount then owned both a glamorous movie studio and a giant book publishing business, financial players stayed away.
7. Now, with Long-Term Capital, American regulators faced the same question of whether to allow a major financial player go belly up.
8. Some believe that pressure from the rating agencies will result in big financial players such as Wall Street banks or insurance companies taking over as large-scale energy traders.
9. The name Wallenberg often evokes a distant cousin of the financial players.
10. The newfound interest of financial players in electric utilities is a tribute to the fact that utility cash flows have not diminished, even as their stock prices have.