1. Many experts had consistently dismissed the time-dilation reports, saying faulty components rather than design bugs were undoubtedly responsible for the reported date jumps.
2. The cheetah team redesigned the faulty component, and new tests were run successfully.
3. The difference is that Heath and Kuekes deliberately used thousands of faulty components, but still ended up with a working computer.
4. The faulty component is the reflector, a graphite ring enclosed in an aluminum jacket that looks like the drum of a washing machine.
5. It attributed the problem to a faulty component provided by a supplier, which it said it had ceased using.
6. The problem was caused by a faulty component provided by a supplier, but the component is no longer in use, Nokia spokesman Tapio Hedman said.
7. Technicians drained liquid hydrogen and oxygen fuel from the boosters on the third stage of the rocket before beginning work on replacing the faulty component.