1. Extraordinary action was required to get the amendment to the floor for a vote.
2. What causes seem most likely to mobilize true believers to take extraordinary political actions?
3. And in late October, in an extraordinary disciplinary action, a judicial panel in New Orleans issued a public order rebuking Judge John H. McBryde.
4. As in wartime, the extraordinary weather has spurred ordinary people to perform extraordinary actions.
5. Sitting in the quiet of her Tacoma living room today, May insists her extraordinary actions were nothing more than her duty.
6. Then again, desperation often does inspire extraordinary action.
7. Today, as the nation again takes extraordinary action to seek out hidden evil among us, check your local listings for another revival.
8. Without any boost to the economy from outside, Tsang said Hong Kong felt compelled to take the extraordinary action of halting land sales.
9. But DeLay does not expect or want the House to take any extraordinary action, Baron said.
10. Domestic instability here and growing evidence of the instability of Yeltsin himself mean he could be ready for extraordinary actions.