1. The district has also built an electronic resource for lesson plans.
2. Historians of science who want to understand the development of contemporary theories will need more than the printed journals, they will need access to the electronic resource.
3. Electronic resources need to benefit from well-planned preservation campaigns, if they are to survive at all.
4. Documentation is essential for those electronic resources that need to preserve the integral relationships within the discrete data units to provide the information resource.
5. Not all the information in electronic resources will be correct.
6. Rayward has argued that the creation of electronic resources is blurring the distinction between museums, libraries, and archives.
7. And using simpler electronic resources than Vees, this ensemble gets more varied and compositionally solid results.
8. While linguists now have phenomenal electronic resources, the need for skilled citation collectors is as strong as ever.
9. This means that schools and universities are now converting their physical resources into electronic resources.