1.  An importer might be able to make payment in his own domestic currency if this is acceptable to the exporter.

2.  Any company or bank conducting business outside of its domestic currency zone must have access to international capital.

3.  The reader should ascertain the position regarding his own domestic currency.

4.  The standard economic answer to both these questions is that the price of foreign exchange should be raised in terms of the domestic currency.

5.  When a central bank buys a surplus of foreign currency it exchanges it for domestic currency, here Deutschmarks.

6.  This is the risk that adverse movements in the exchange rate will reduce the return from an investment, when the return is measured in the domestic currency.

7.  For the purposes of consolidation, the accounts of foreign subsidiaries operating abroad have to be translated into terms of the domestic currency of the holding company.

8.  The market has grown rapidly since its inception, to a size comparable to or in excess of domestic currency markets.

9.  Total currency flow surpluses will only occur if the government keeps the exchange rate below the equilibrium by continuing to sell the domestic currency on the foreign exchange market.

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